Latvian: What is it?

Latvian.... What is that? Who speaks that? Ohh that's what they speak in Libya right? These are all real questions I have been asked when talking about the Latvian language. For this Language journal entry please allow me to talk about my favorite language in the world! Latvian (Latviešu valoda in Latvian) is an Indo-European language (Balto-Slavic, Baltic, Eastern-Baltic to be more specific) with a population of about 2 million native speakers. Latviešu valoda is written in the Latvian alphabet and is the official language of The Latvian Republic, and the European Union. Latvian in one of the two last living Baltic languages with Lithuanian (Lietuvių kalba). 
            Linguistically, Latvian is broken up into three main dialects: the Livonian dialect, High Latvian and the Middle dialect. In addition to these Latvian dialects there are also four “ethnic” languages spoken by various ethnic groups of people in Latvia on a smaller scale: Livonian, Curonian, Semigallian and Selonian. Latvian is spoken in every part of Latvia however, there is an extremely unfortunate (yet interesting) issue of linguistic oppression in southern Latvia. In fact, in Daugavpīls, Latvia (the second largest and most populated city in Latvia) one can go weeks without speaking Latvian to another person. 
          In fact, due to historic soviet forced linguistic oppression, many people in southern Latvia speak little to no Latvian. Unfortunately, due to the rise in nationalism has led to the creation and enforcement of laws like “The Latvian Official Language Law” wherein government officials cannot speak any language other than Latvian when addressing the people. This has made it hard for some people to keep up with their own government. Additionally, to get jobs and even gain citizenship after the collapse of the Soviet Union you need to place a specific level of a national language exam and thus some people who have lived in Latvia their entire lives cannot become citizens because of a skill that was valued and forced during the soviet rule.

What Does Latvian Look/Sound Like?
·      Sveiki – Sveiki - Hello
·      Kā tev klājās – Ka teyo klayas – How are you
·      Man iet labi – Maan iet labi – I am well
·     Es runāju latviski- Es roonayu latviski – I speak Latvian
·      Atpakaļskata spogulis – Atpakallskata spogulis - Rearview mirror
·      *Slapjedraņķis - Slapyedrañkkis – Sludge
*My favorite word* 


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